Matters needing attention when customizing quality indoor trampoline park equipment


The load-bearing requirement of small quality indoor trampoline park equipment equipment reaches 360 kg, and that of large-scale quality indoor trampoline park equipment equipment is about 2000 kg. No matter what type of equipment is made or certain individual needs are met, the load-bearing requirements cannot be changed. If the project is well done It is very large, and the materials used must also meet the standard.

quality indoor trampoline park equipment

There are too many quality indoor trampoline park equipment manufacturers that provide production services. If you are a novice entering the market, you must fully understand the other party’s production capacity when ordering quality indoor trampoline park equipment, and check whether it meets the production qualifications and whether you have design experience and maintenance. According to experience, the opening of an quality indoor trampoline park equipment hall often takes several years, the life cycle of the equipment is long, and the maintenance time required is longer.

Customized quality indoor trampoline park equipment is often personalized equipment. Mass-produced molds are not suitable. Manufacturers often re-customize before production, which also leads to increased project costs. Investors should take this into consideration first.

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